item (s):
hazards) :
risk (s):
land address:
gestures and notions of transformation:
author (s):

year of diploma:

Underwater earthquake

Ishinomaki | JAPAN
Rethink the homogeneous infrastructure and initiate multifunctional and heterogeneous responses + Organize the retreat | Metamorphosis + Shelter and escape
Louise EQUEY


item (s):
hazards) :

risk (s):
land address:
gestures and notions of transformation

author (s):

year of diploma:

Underwater earthquake

Ishinomaki | JAPAN
Rethink the homogeneous infrastructure and initiate multifunctional and heterogeneous responses + Organize the retreat | Metamorphosis + Shelter and escape
Louise EQUEY


"Resilient transformation of the Ishinomaki coastal plain exposed to tsunami risk"

Ishinomaki is one of the Japanese cities hardest hit by the 2011 tsunami. As an alternative to the dike, the project develops a plant barrier and a channel to slow down and reduce the height of the wave. The project consists in rebuilding differently to stop, dissipate, slow down and resist the next tsunami by transforming the coastline through work on heights, evacuation, transparency and distance.

#Inhabited environment

# Hazards and risks

#Project on hypothesis