item (s):
hazards) :
risk (s):
land address:
gestures and notions of transformation:
author (s):

year of diploma:

Seasonal lake flood
Lake Vänern | SWEDEN
Organize the retreat + Make the hazard visible | The traces + the emergence of a common culture



item (s):
hazards) :
risk (s):
land address:
gestures and notions of transformation:

author (s):

year of diploma:

Seasonal lake flood
Lake Vänern | SWEDEN
Organize the retreat + Make the hazard visible | The traces + the emergence of a common culture



"The life project of a Kollektivhus facing the rise of Lake Vänern"

The analysis area covers all the towns, villages, agricultural land and natural areas around Lake Vänern in Sweden. These sites are subject to the risk of flooding identified in three risk values:

1 m of frozen water overflow that corresponds to the current spring flooding;

2 m of water which are the forecast of rising water levels for 2050 and the delivery of the current project

3 m of water if the trend continues in 2100 as a consequence of the accelerated and amplified melting of the eternal snow from the glaciers.

This awareness of the rising waters is manifested by three paths that develop around the entire contour of the lake: a blue hiking trail located at 1 m, a yellow cycle path located at 2 m and a red road located at 3 m. Between these three intervals, the project is an opportunity to reflect on architectural transformations that will accompany the rising water: between 0 and 1 m, public facilities, between 1 and 2 m of existing natural areas, between 2 and 3 m collective and shared housing, adapted to rising water levels.

# Hazards and risks

#Project on hypothesis